
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hybrid or Online Learning which one is best for my school ?

Alert !!!! Administration Please Read The Following "Hybrid" or "Blended" are names commonly used to describe courses in which some traditional face-to-face "seat time" has been replaced by online learning activities. The purpose of a hybrid/blended course is to take advantage of the best features of both face-to-face and online learning. "Online learning is a disruption that cannot be stopped," Joseph J. O'Brien, (Director of the Chester County Intermediate Unit) Don't stop here, do you want your school to run more efficient and economically, all while costs go down, I know that is the #1 priority!  The following video gives you a more complete overview. Advantages of Online Learning : " This is just a snapshot " Can tailor the learning experience for each student. Increase student interest: when we include technology into the lesson it increases student interest Today's generation is frequent...